Sunday, August 17, 2014


Its mid August already.  YIKES!  Time really flies!

We have been keeping busy.  Recently, I was approved for an apartment so we should be moving in the middle fo September to a townhouse style apartment.  Two bedrooms and bathroom upstairs, livingroom and kitchen downstairs, and a one car garage.  The neighborhood is in a nice location, lots of trees, little traffic or noise.  Im really excited for us.

I also started a new job last week.  While its not in nursing, its still a good company, and Ill stay there until I find another nursing job. 

The 3rd annivesary of Sachas death came and went in the middle of a busy week.  So while I had her on my mind constantly, I think being really busy probably helped.  I didnt have any energy left over to give to a sad mood really.  I told Sydney stories about Sacha and showed her photos that day.  Sydney loves looking and pictures and pointing Sacha out.  :)

Not much else going on.  My thirty-one sales have been decent considering the amount of work I have done.  I hope to keep up sales so that I make $100-200 a month.  It will definately help bills. 

Sydney will be 2 in a few  weeks so we are having a family party at the cottage that weekend.  On the day of her birthday, Im having dinner at Perkins with her where some of her friends and my friends will join us.  I want to make sure the day includes something special for her.  Its a Thursday this year so I will be at work during the day unfortunately.

I think things are looking up.  We are both reasonably healthy and happy, and Im so thankful for every day with Sydney.

Chin up people!  Every day you wake up is another day you get with loved ones, and to make the world a better place.


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